Midland BT Mini Single Pack
BT MINI er den ultimate intercommen for fører-passasjerer kommunikasjon. Den har få funksjoner,men dekker dine viktigste behov . Den holder hjelmoverflaten så fin somden skal være. BT MINI er kompatibel med alle de integrerte tilkoblings- og kontrollsystemene til de største motorsykkelprodusentene (BMW, KTM, Ducati), og kobles til GPS eller smarttelefon eller et annet Midland-intercom. Takket være den lille størrelsen, er BT MINI rask å installere, enkel å konfigurere og holde hjelmenes linjer rene.

Midland Radio Corporation is an international industry leader in wireless communications with affiliates in Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom, as well as representation in Latin America. Midland develops high quality consumer products such as Wearable Action Cameras, GMRS Two-Way Radios, Citizen Band (CB) Radios, Marine Radios, Bluetooth intercom systems, and All Hazards/Weather Alert Radios.
Known in the 70’s primarily for CB radios and household electronics, Midland has grown with the times by producing innovative new communications products and by actively promoting public emergency preparedness. Midland has manufactured quality Two-Way Radios for over 50 years and is a market leader in several additional product categories.
Midland is also a leading manufacturer of Land Mobile Radios and supplies professional grade analog and digital (P25 Technology) Portables, Mobiles and Base Stations/Repeaters for government entities such as forestry and public safety, as well as other commercial users.